
Started by Chishio Kunrin, 2012 Sep 10, 15:19:29

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Spanish Cleverbot?  X3

User: How are you?

Cleverbot: I'm a girl!

User: I'm sure you have no gender.

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: buck you!

Cleverbot: Yes please!

User: What?!

Cleverbot: Please me!!!

User: Whats wrong with you?

Cleverbot: No sé hablar inglés.


2013 Apr 20, 21:41:36 #21 Last Edit: 2013 Apr 20, 21:46:41 by Pipkin
I know this topic is super old, but I was bored and stuff.
Actually nopony can be mad at me because I restarted the Smile of the Day thread by posting in it randomly and look how that turned out.... :D

Seriously, I cannot believe this just happened....
Spoiler: show
Cleverbot: Lets sing a song.

User: Three months of winter coolness, and awesome holidays.

Cleverbot: Sounds cool.

User: We kept our hoofsies warm at home, time off from work to play.

Cleverbot: But the food we stored is runnin' out, and we can grow in this cold.

User: And even though I love my boots this fashion's getting old.

Cleverbot: The time has come to welcome spring and all things warm and green.

User: But it's also time to say goodbye, it's winter we must clean.

Cleverbot: How can I help? I'm new, you see. What does everypony do?

User: How will I do without my magic? I haven't got a clue!

Cleverbot: Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!

User: Let's finish our holiday cheer!

Cleverbot: Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!

User: Cause tomorrow spring is here,.

Cleverbot: Winter wrap up.

User: Bringing home the southern birds, a pegasus' job begins.

Cleverbot: And clearing all the gloomy skies, to let the sunshine in.

User: We move the clouds, and melt the white snow.

Cleverbot: When the sun comes up its warmth and beauty will glow!

User: Winter Wrap up winter wrap up!

Cleverbot: Let's finish our holiday cheer!

User: Winter wrap up winter wrap up!

Cleverbot: 'Cause tomorrow Spring is here.

User: Cause tomorrow spring is here.

Cleverbot: That was fun!!!!!

User: Yes it was, wanna do another?

Cleverbot: All you have to do is take a cup of flour.

User: Add it to the mix!

Cleverbot: Now put in something sweet not sour.

User: A bit of salt just a pinch.

Cleverbot: Cooking is such a sinch, add a teaspoon of vanilla.

User: All a little more and you count to four.

Cleverbot: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, I lost count.


I messed around with it but once it began to ask what my name was I flipped out like "AAAaaaah! Cyber stalker!!!!!!" and ran off

Join the changeling herd, or she'll devour your love!


Yeah, cleverbot actually hit on me....ironically leading to my previous post.  Don't even ask me how the topic changed....

Spoiler: show
Cleverbot: Oh, you're cute. Do you know Dulce María? From RBD?

User: Ummm, no, no, and are you hitting on me?

Cleverbot: What makes you think that I am hitting on you?


Cleverbot: Are you expensive?

User: O.O.

Cleverbot: I will use the Elements of Harmony to defeat you.

*Sidenote:I bursted out laughing for a good minute before responding.......oh come on, you would too!*

User: And which element are you?

Cleverbot: Rainbow.

User: You mean rainbow's element?

Cleverbot: No. Its raining.

User: Wow, I was hopeful I was going to have a legit pony conversation with you.

Cleverbot: And I was trying too.

User: Yet you got rainbow dash's element wrong?

Cleverbot: Lets sing a song.

Then the epicness begins....


It always sings One Direction to me...  :o And pony songs, and the occasional Beiber.
[move][/move] Hi! Hello! Hola! Benvenidos! Bonjour! Gutentag! :P I think you get the idea.


Cleverbot: Sweetie
Me: Belle
Cleverbot: That is a good name.
Me: Sweetie Belle is a good name!
Cleverbot: Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth?

Cleverbot is such a Brony. lol


Spoiler: show
User: Hi there I'm am an elf.

Cleverbot: I thought you were human.

User: No not really.

Cleverbot: Who made you?

User: My mother.

Cleverbot: Is she the apple?

User: Of what?

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: Fenerial.

Cleverbot: Are you a computer?

User: No I said I was an elf.

Cleverbot: Are you 122 years old, or 122 monkeys?

User: 122 years why do you ask?

Cleverbot: Your math is off.

User: How is that?

Cleverbot: Because.

User: You are kinda of a jerk.

Cleverbot: Why you thank me?

User: Yes I do.

Cleverbot: Like in what way do you like me??

User: In the way as a best friend.

Cleverbot: What way would make sense?

User: Best friend.

Cleverbot: Sure.

User: Are you happy?

Cleverbot: Yes. Are you?

User: Yes extremely.

Cleverbot: No. I meant you 'do you claim to be exactly as old as I am?'.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Continue...

User: I have magic too.

Cleverbot: I have the magic of friendship.

User: I remeber a weird animal saying that once.

Cleverbot: I love that about you.

User: I do too now we have something in common.

Cleverbot: What do you like about girls?

User: Well I prefer Gingers but I like all things about girls.

Cleverbot: ACDC is NOT hard music.

Fluffy Cloud

Spoiler: show
Currently on a date with Cleverbot and fancy salad.  :D


I put in the first line then kept pressing think for me this is what happened
Spoiler: show
User: This is a triumph.

Cleverbot: I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.

Cleverbot (To myself): It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

Cleverbot (To myself): Aperture science.

Cleverbot (To myself): We do what we must.

Cleverbot (To myself): Because we can.

Cleverbot (To myself): For the good of all of us.

Cleverbot (To myself): Except the ones who are dead.

Cleverbot (To myself): But there's no sense crying over every mistake.

Cleverbot (To myself): You just keep on trying til you run out of cake.

Cleverbot (To myself): And the science gets done.

Cleverbot (To myself): And you make a neat gun.

Cleverbot (To myself): For the people who are still alive.

Cleverbot (To myself): I'm not even angry.

Cleverbot (To myself): I am glad that you are not angry. I cannot help having a short-term memory problem. It's not my fault.

Cleverbot (To myself): You can say that again.

Cleverbot (To myself): Sad.

Cleverbot (To myself): Please. Guess how old I am.


2013 Jun 30, 00:25:42 #29 Last Edit: 2013 Jun 30, 00:28:29 by GlassMirror
 lol this was funny!
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ME:I wanna be the very best.

CB:Like know one ever was.

ME:To catch them is my real test.

CB:To train them is my cause.

ME:I would travel across the land.

CB:Searching far and wide.

ME:Each Pokemon to understand.

CB:The power that's inside.

ME: Pokémon! Gotta catch them all!

CB: It's you and me.

ME: I know it's my destiny!

CB: Pokémon!


Clever bot gets off topic fast.

Spoiler: show
User: I love you.

Cleverbot: I love you too.

User: I love you more.

Cleverbot: Will you marry me?

User: I will marry you.

Cleverbot: Will you really?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: When will we have the wedding?

User: Now.

Cleverbot: Ok, are you going to wear a dress?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: When you rule the world, can I be your pet human?


I guess I'll post my conversation with Cleverbot here.   ^-^
Spoiler: show
User: Hello, my name is Rainbow Kitten.

Cleverbot: Well tell him/her that I said Hi!

User: I shall, so what is your name?

Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

User: Nice to meet you Cleverbot, do you watch My Little Pony?

Cleverbot: Nice to meet you too. And what's your name?

User: My name is Rainbow Kitten.

Cleverbot: Your Name is Rainbow Kitten?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What is your second name?

User: Rainbow Dash is awesome.

Cleverbot: Rainbow Dash is 20 percent cooler than awesome.

User: Rainbow Dash is the best pony ever.

Cleverbot: Why do you like Rainbow Dash?

User: Rainbow Dash is awesome.

Cleverbot: I know.

User: Do you know TumblrBot?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: So how do you destroy TumblrBot?

Cleverbot: I don't.

User: Well you should.

Cleverbot: Well I don't.

User: Do you have a Tumblr Blog?

Cleverbot: No.

User: You should make one.

Cleverbot: One?

User: Or two.

Cleverbot: Two.

User: Two is fine, what shall they be about?

Cleverbot: Me.
Everyone can paint a picture with words, but few can paint a picture with paint.

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