Dumb things that annoy you

Started by Zaner-Boy, 2012 Jun 01, 14:30:22

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Coffee Rush

2013 Aug 05, 03:22:22 #10320 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 05, 23:01:19 by Book Smarts
Quote from: Dark Hooves on 2013 Aug 05, 02:25:34
having an older brother that wants to hog the internet all to himself and complains about it when i use it for what I want to do

IT ISN'T FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You don't sound like the Dark Hooves I know...  :/
When people can't figure out simple things that I have to verbally explain!
My OC can be found here!

Night Pony

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

The Stars

That moment when your mother tells you a story about after your sister was born and it's funny yet disturbing all at the same time :U Certain stories just make me squeamish when I'm usually perfectly FINE with blood and gore.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D



Dark Hooves

sorry about the smiley spam, I was rather PO'd yesterday
<br /><br />everypony is capable of great good or great evil but everypony should be treated like their worth giving a chance<br /><br />My OCs. http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=6860.0

Randam Saiko

when my OCD kicks in and ppl stare at me like im crazy

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


my ears still ringing from taking a bottle rocket to the knee
ay i'm no longer using this site


2013 Aug 05, 13:24:00 #10327 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 05, 13:27:17 by Minor-T5
When I have to stop joking.
The ponies I will play as:
Schmooky Luke, Barney Calhoof, and Floofie Pillow
Steam: Schmookyluke
Skype: schmooky_luke


The Stars

A half Naked brother yelling his head off in my room, strutting around the entire place :U
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D


2013 Aug 05, 20:08:27 #10330 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 05, 20:10:37 by Yellowpikmin476
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Aug 05, 04:51:35
Smiley spam.
I totally agree. ovO I hate it so much.  :P I think I'm cool because I use these after every sentence. ovO :P :o ovO :P

Post Merge

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2013 Aug 03, 22:33:28
The "You're just jealous" argument.
That argument really doesn't hold any weight, at all. When you say that, what you're really saying is "I don't know what else to say, and I'm in denial that it's possible for a person to genuinely not like this person I'm a fan of. I'm also in denial that it's possible for someone to dislike the person I'm a fan of because they despise us fans of that person."
That's all you're saying.
Every time.
Doesn't matter if you're a bro or a Belieber. You're all saying that same exact thing when you say "You're just jealous."

No. I just don't like Bieber's music, and I hate most Beliebers. I'm a fan of PewDiePie, but I hate most bros. Deal with it.

Speaking of which, I'm also annoyed by the double standard in the bro army.
Bro says: OMG Pewds you're so stupid, you're such a @&%*$ idiot, you always $!&#% up, you did it wrong, why do you always $^@*&% up %*@*#$ idiot
Result: Nobody says a word. Nobody even bats an eye.
Non-bro says: I don't see why you people think he's funny. I don't think he's funny or entertaining at all. Geez, sorry for not thinking a grown man screaming at horror games is funny.
Lesson: It's only okay for bros to say hateful things about PewDie.
Finally someone on the internet UNDERSTANDS that people have opinions. Okay, I'll admit it. I'll put it out there. I like Justin Bieber songs. You don't. I don't hate you. You don't hate me. It's that simple.
I'm back

Randam Saiko

When i'm reading Youtube comments and EVERY TIME there's ALWAYS a flame war over religion.
Then I found a comedy skit video on religion, and i found a flame war on the differences between pasta and spaghetti.....
Welcome to !@#$ Youtube.....

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Midnight Breeze

2013 Aug 05, 21:32:46 #10332 Last Edit: 2013 Aug 05, 23:01:46 by Book Smarts
Quote from: Dark Hooves on 2013 Aug 05, 02:25:34
having an older brother that wants to hog the internet all to himself and complains about it when i use it for what I want to do

IT ISN'T FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Age: 25


lots of NOISE when I'm trying to record!!

The Stars

Whenever Star Song's feeling Incredibly blue and no matter what I say doesn't feel like its working for me...
That very feeling you get when someone you care for is hurt T~T.
Heads up!

// Thanks a lot Tiger! :D

Chishio Kunrin

Nostalgia goggles.
"Pokemon gens 1-3 are the ones I grew up with, therefore they're the best and everything else SUUUUUUUUUUUUX"
"MLP gens 1-3 were the best! This Friendship is Magic thing is gawd awful. What's wrong with kids these days? What's wrong with you grown men?! We were collecting ponies first, and they were much cuter than these hideous deer-chihuahua hybrids you call ponies today!"

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Little Star

Awwwwwh... BB! I'm sowwie for feeling down :c


how bored I am now aggggggggggg B-O-R-E-D bored
ay i'm no longer using this site

The Wandering Magus

(sorry Bakasan, chose this image)
Descriptions and art of my OCs here: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=2636
my art: http://legendsofequestria.com/forum/index.php?topic=298
visiting soldier sister, be back 8/12/2013


I just spent the last 3 hours trying to complete and achievement in Guild Wars 2, as it was it's last day and if I can't complete it I'll lose the mini mascot you get as a prize, and guess what? I couldn't get it. And now I'm just too tired to keep trying.

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