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Messages - Leonexus

Quote from: Minor-T5 on 2015 Feb 17, 15:16:20
Already 3 pages to this thread, haha. The hype is real!

Of course it is this is LoE we're talking about here.
Wow, I wasn't expecting another one so soon, but I'll be there as much as I can be  ^-^ and this time, I'll be sure to save the Twitch recordings... X3
Hey there Blackheart, how's it going?
I too am a big fan of Pokemon, and I'll give TouHou a try as well. Maybe I'll run into you in-game and maybe I won't. Either way nice to meet you.  :D
Glad to meet you! Hope I run into you in-game over the OSW, and if not oh well.  :D
You're not the only one who can't wait.  x3
I'm bucking good.  ^-^
Hello random new guy! :D
Just a heads up in case you haven't read about it in the other posts. Cantermore (Canterlot) and quite a few other areas are having problems, so while I'm typing this I'm also waiting to start with my unicorn. So if you don't want to wait longer after it's done downloading start as either a pegasus or an earth pony so that you can walk (or fly) around for a bit.
Hello fellow new guy. How's it going?  :D
Quote from: Leo Rave on 2015 Jan 24, 19:30:09
Well, if there was ever a screen to get stuck in, I'm glad it was Cantermore's. Hirosashii's tunes are so calming~   :')

I agree completely  :D
Thanks for the help with my pic, If you see a pony like this in-game you'll now it's me.  ^-^
Quote from: Proudy Hooves on 2015 Jan 23, 00:13:00

And what do you mean by your question? How to get an avatar there?

I meant how do I get the profile pic I want. I can't upload my own pic, or at least I don't know how.
How do I get a profile that I want, but doesn't have a URL?
Man I suck with this.  X3
I found this game a few days after the last open server test...I think I can wait a little longer. ^-^