2012 was a year of...

Started by Night Pony, 2013 Jan 09, 06:53:14

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Night Pony

Here's a nice video I found from the top 15 videos of December. How many things do you recognise from the video?

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet


Could've been something great. But ya' blew it... Ya' blew it.

Skype: Suloboru


Quote from: Lary on 2013 Jan 09, 08:23:20
Why does this exist...

Because bronies as a fanbase have accomplished many things. I think it is a bit eccentric , but it does have a point.

Night Pony

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

The Silent Wolf

I only recgonized 3 things, Yaplap, Discord, and Daddy Discord. :c
If The Silent Wolf is to long, just call me Kake

Skype if you happen to want to talk to me: Pokemonvskirby
I'm a little seal nerd, short and stout, here is my flipper, here is my snout~

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