Hi Everypony!

Started by JulitkaKociakPL, 2015 May 03, 14:59:18

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Hi well nice to meet ya everyone   :D well can i ask ya somethin? :s well when I was tryin to login in game the game says Error and i must upgrade the game someone help  :c just for fast and again HI EVERYPONY!  ^-^


Welcome to the forum my new friend! Remember to take a look at the Forum Rules to keep yourself up to date. Hope to see another active member of the forum around and I'm sure you'll make a lot of friends. But most of all, remember to HAVE FUUUN!! :D

You can't get into the game because all the servers are down at the moment, you'll have to wait for the next open server which will be announced some day and no, we don't know when.
<br />My channel<br />My DA<br /><br />


Thanks and I sure will and OK  ;)


Greetings and welcome to the forums and to LoE. Please check out the rules explore and have fun. There's lots to see and do and all the time in equestria to see it, there's Arts, Videos, Stories, Singers RP'ers and more so join us, in the madness my friend  ^-^

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