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Messages - -SkyPow3r-

A moderator can erase this, I posted it in the wrong location.
The game reconnect the server but it stuck so I closed it, but when I tried to connect again with the game reopened it gave me this error "that user is already playing"

It appears on Amareicas server
It seems that I have problems connecting to servers: no response from remote host
Quote from: noah6411 on 2015 Jan 24, 23:18:18
Step 1: Extend open server weekend

Step 2: Find the little scrub who did this and report him to the FBI

Step 3: Get to his house first and videotape SWAT busting his door down

Do these three steps to achieve greatness.

You forgot one think: ...And ask if he can scream "This is Democracy!".
I can connect normally and I can spawn in Equus but after a minute no one are moving :c anyways.
Original Characters / Re: Oc's ours
2015 Jan 24, 08:01:26
Quote from: Akilas on 2015 Jan 23, 15:48:11
Its awesome, i like it too much, yeah i understand what you mean, and well i see you avatar its your OC like mine, but mine i ask to others to make it, i don't have to artistic skills  X3

Don't worry :D, before i was unable to draw ponies no matter why i was trying :c, but with the time i was getting skills to make some decent stuff (Humans and Ponies)

No te preocupes :D, antes no podía dibujar ponis no importaba cuanto intentara :c, pero con el tiempo fuí obteniendo habilidad para dibujar cosas decentes (Humanos y Ponis)
Original Characters / Re: Oc's ours
2015 Jan 23, 14:21:51
Name: Lightnin boom / SkyPower
Race: Pegasus
Cutie Mark: An headphones and a pencil.
Personality: He is helpful, he hate when someone is talking with a grocery tone of voice, in the class is very serious, gets bored easily, in first face-to-face its very shy, he is very imperative, have a childish sense of humor and doesn't make too many friends.
Occupation: He is studying in a college.
Appearance: His body have a grey/white color 244/255 (Idk if you understand this :P) have a hair with 2 clear blue lighting strikes in the front, sometimes wears a black jacket and a red sweater.

Nombre: Lightnin Boom / SkyPower
Raza: Pegaso
Cutie Mark: Unos Audifonos y un lapiz
Personalidad: El le gusta ayudar a la gente, no le agrada que le hablen con tono grosero, en la clase es muy serio, se aburre facilmente, es muy timido al conocer a alguien cara a cara, es muy imperactivo, tiene el sentido de humor de un niño, el no hace muchos amigos.
Ocupación: El estudia en un colegio
Apariencia: Su cuerpo tiene un colo plateado tirando para blanco, en el cabello tiene 2 rayos de color azul claro en frente, algunas veces se pone un abrigo/chaqueta negra y un suéter rojo.

Story/Historia: In development/En desarrolo :/