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Topics - cloudwilk

The world of the ponies is a big one. One with mystery. One with friendship. One with adventures. Lots and lots of adventures.

Here you begin. A brood like no other. Destined to change the world... or perhaps do absolutely nothing but, hey, there's always a chance you could change life as we know it. Begin, young one. Take quest into the world of ponies.

(This is an option-type RP game where you get several options to choose from that will dictate the storyline! You can add more to your options and say how much you want to do in that room, but in order to progress you must always pick an option. I'd recommend keeping your first post as an inventory! But watch out! If you hit an ending you can restart but everything in your inventory will be gone!)

> I was born a Pegasus- bred to fly and fight above the clouds.
> I'm a royal- that is, a unicorn. Master race!
> Y'all bet I was raised as every pony should- an earth pony with real roots.
> ... Um... I'm a griffin...