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Topics - JustaMelly

If you have some extremely inappropriate content in your browser history,

please try mark it out of your screenshot so young viewers do not be disturbed by such.

~JustaMelly ovO

Spoiler: show

I am aware that the spoiler may not work (or maybe my mouse is being dumb  :P)

But if it doesn't too bad :P

~JustaMelly ovO
Introductions Archive / <3 Hi to all <3
2014 Jul 01, 04:52:35
Hi everyone :)

I pretty much found out the game after watching a few episodes of MLP and MLP: Fighting is Magic.

I looked through the site and got interested in the game and found out there is a forums :D!

I will probably be active on the forums because I like to chat and help other people.

I actually found the liking to MLP recently back in January.

My cousin loves to watch it so I had to also.

When I saw it, I was like, "Dude heck no this sucks..."

But then I got interested and grew a love for the characters :).

MLP will forever be in my guy heart and all those haters will never understand how awesome it is to be a brony.

My favorite MLP character is always and forever,  :nod:  ;)  DD:  D:  *-*

~JustaMelly ovO