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Topics - Blue Cola

Hello there, my name is Blue Cola.  Except it's not.  It's just a false name created to accompany a false identity online. 
It neither has to be permanent nor be the only name I have online, but it is a name.  But it's not My name.

So who am I then?
Why, I'm Blue Cola, of course!

Allo Gov'ner!  It's a pleasure to be part of this lovely Forum.
I'm a boy of 14 about to be 15 on February 15th.
I became a Brony about 3 years ago in 2013.
Currently living with my family in my country of birth; Singapore.

I don't enjoy going out much, and spend most of my days that aren't in school, sitting at my computer desk.  So yes, I am quite the lazy bugger.  I primarily spend my computer time on Steam, and have been known to have a very outgoing personality there.  However, that isn't how I usually am.  In the Real World, I tend to be extremely shy, to the point where I even avoid asking for help as to avoid social interaction with people that I am unfamiliar with.  I would really like to get to know people here, as well as participate in the polls and/or discussions.

I can be rather...peculiar at times as I was born with ADHD, and Asperger's.  I don't really want to go into detail here, as I could Literally write an entire essay on the subject, and metaphorically kill you with words.  ADHD stands for; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.  In English, it means that I tend to lose interest quickly in things that I deem boring or too difficult, and that I find it hard to pay full attention to things, as my mind is always racing.
Asperger Syndrome (or Asperger's), has two main effects: It makes it so that I find social interaction and non-verbal communication difficult to understand, and makes it so that I exhibit an obsessive nature towards things that interest me, while completely ignoring things that don't.
Basically, I find it hard to pay attention, hard to understand feelings and social interactions, and I get obsesses with things that interest me, whilst avoiding things that don't.

*by the way, I'm sorry if this is getting SUPER long, but i'm almost done.  Pinkie-promise.

I want the world to be a better place.  Right now it's a pretty sad one.  War, Poverty, Racism, Chronic Disease.  These are things that I just wish didn't exist.  I'll tell anyone who asks the age old question of, "if you had one wish, what would you wish for?", that I would wish for world peace, no poverty, and the elimination of all disease.  That is what I would wish for.
I also hope to find a cure for cancer in the future.  It might sound crazy, at the age of 14, to be prospecting for a cure to cancer, however, "The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs.

First Episode of MLP:FiM I had ever watched was Party of OneovO
The Episode that I find I like the most is Crusaders of The Lost Markono :s 0:)
Favorite Pony (If I had to pick one) would be Dashie.  :3

I'm Über sorry for making this LITERAL wall of text, and I'm looking forward to meeting you all.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Ps. I am also an Amazingly slow typer. Typist? Keyboardist?