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Messages - aaronkid14

Looks like you guys are doing great work! Glad to see so many new changes and bug fixes! Keep it up! And I'll see you at the open server party on the 16th! Can't wait!  :D
So excited for the open server event! Can't wait to play with everypony! :D
Hey everypony!

I recently started a new pony ask blog on tumblr and I'd like for you all to check it out! Feel free to leave me a question! You can ask anonymously if you don't have a tumblr account.
Hey guys!
I make short MLP:FiM animations/vines on my YouTube channel with my OC.
I'd really appreciate it if you could check them out!
WHAT? But I only just started playing the game 2 days ago! Please open the servers again soon. D:
Introductions Archive / Hello Everypony!
2015 Jan 25, 17:18:00
Hi guys.
My name is Aaron, and I joined LoE today.
I've only played the game for a few hours and I'm already addicted.
I love MLP:FiM (As anyone playing this game would)
I've even made some pony related videos on my Youtube channel and posted tons of MLP:FiM related content on my Google+.
I look forward to playing with you all and having lots of fun adventures on this game.  :D