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Topics - Examen

Heartland Expeditionary Force

The Heartland Expeditionary Force, or HEF, is an organization of combat and support oriented ponies who operate out of the Heartlands. Its primary task is defense and protection of travelers and explorers wandering through the beautiful and dangerous Heartland area.

Responsibilities and tasks of the HEF are as follows:
- Patrol of trouble spots in the Heartlands area.
- Impartial assistance, if needed, in PvP conflicts.
- Assistance with quests, monster battles, or simply escorting or guiding players through the Heartlands area.
- Having a great time and enjoying the beauty of the Heartlands area.

- Be professional and respectful.
- If you are requested to provide assistance within the Heartlands, and you are capable of doing so, please be helpful and provide assistance to the best of your ability.
- Have fun!

- General of the Armies - Leader of the HEF, unless otherwise noted, will be Examen (Forum) or Simple Majority (On server).
- General's Staff - Second in command advisory staff to the GotA.
- Corporal - Squad Commanders, they report to the General's Staff or the GotA if they need assistance. Made up of proven and trusted HEF members, have authority of a small group of ponies.
- Regulars - Rank and file of the HEF, report to their Corporal if they need assistance.
All members are to assist with the providing of assistance and other above noted responsibilities, regardless of rank!

Application (We accept all races and types of pony!):
OC Name:
Forum Name:
OC Age:
OC Race:
OC Gender:
Your level of knowledge of the Heartland area: (A low level of knowledge does not mean that we will reject you. This is to gauge who you'll be deployed with.)

Member list will be updated as time goes on.

Member List:
General of the Armies: Simple Majority/Examen
General's Staff:

See you in the Heartlands!